New Hampshire Supportive Housing Toolkit.
Introduction Overview of Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Developmental Disabilities Exploration Development Housing Operations Supportive Services Other Living Expenses of Individuals Putting It All Together: Budgeting For The Individual Developing and Maintaining Your Nonprofit Tax-Exempt Entity Additional Resources Glossary |
A. The Development ProcessThe development process can be described as that which is needed and happens between the inspiration to create a supported housing setting and moving the first resident into their new apartment. This definition can also apply to moving any idea from inspiration to reality. The idea of creating a safe, decent, affordable, financially feasible, supported housing setting for developmentally disabled young adults is an idea that almost every reasonable person will endorse, and many might even say, let’s roll up our sleeves and “just do it.” Were it only that straight forward and unconvoluted. This section will try to make the path a bit less convoluted.
A) The Front End Let’s begin with some basics. Pre-development, the early stage or front end of the development process, can be expected to take a year or more (easily) and cost $25,000 and up for required reports and studies, not including any costs to option or secure the property. Earlier sections of this document have addressed the need to form a clear picture of the idea being developed and the recruitment of the team with various skills, knowledge and talents. An architect, civil engineer, development consultant (a person who facilitates the planning for and financing and coordination to ensure that the work plan that was funded is performed) and attorney are important early team members and will provide staged or tiered fee arrangements for their work in the various steps of the development process.[1]
Visions For Creative Housing Solutions